Cleo Everyday Wallet – Time To Give Cleo Her Wings!

Cleo Everyday Wallet - Time to give Cleo her wings - Andrie Designs

Let me start by saying I am absolutely LOVING seeing all the Cleo Everyday Wallets popping up around social media… From my Instagram feed to my Facebook group, there is such growing variety of styles and fabric combinations, the ideas list for my next few seems to be growing and growing!

~ For more information on the Cleo Everyday Wallet, you can find the pattern here ~

Something else I’ve noticed is people struggling with the folding of the wings. Despite my best efforts to present clear diagrams and corresponding text for those steps in the pattern, they still seem to be tripping people up. So, I felt it time to put a blog post together with colour photographs and oodles of details to show you exactly how to fold those oh-so-important wings!

And can I just say, once you’ve made one Cleo and had success with the wings, you will hopefully have an ‘ah-ha!’ and it will all click. They really are quite easy to make, once you ‘get it’. πŸ™‚

Let’s begin!

First, work through the Cleo Everyday Wallet pattern until you get to step 23 (page 8). This is my assembled wing piece, ready for folding. The green side is the ‘outer’ side, the side that will be seen on the outside of the wallet once finished. The pink side is the lining side, the side that will only be seen on the inside of the wallet once finished.

Step 23 (1) – Fold your wing right sides together (so in my case, green sides together) and press well to create a centre fold. Open out and make a mark 1″ (2.5cm) out from the centre fold, on both sides, along the top edge.

Cleo Everyday Wallet - Time To Give Cleo Her Wings - Andrie Designs

Step 23 (2) – Turn the wing over so it is now right side down (outer fabric (green fabric) down). You should be looking at the lining fabric of your wing (in my case, the pink fabric). Fold one side over and onto the wing, lining fabric to lining fabric, folding at the 1″ mark you made at the top edge.

Match the two top finished edges together, between the centre fold and the 1″ mark, and press well all the way down the fold. It’s important to note here that it doesn’t matter where the bottom edge of the fold ends up, as long as the wing is folded at the 1″ mark and the top edges match nicely.

Step 24 (1) – Fold this same side of the wing back out, ensuring this next fold is directly over top of the centre fold you made earlier. The 1″ mark/initial fold will now be hidden by the edge of the wing. Again, make sure you match the three top edges within the folds together.

If you rotate your wing 180 degrees (but don’t turn it over, still ensure you are looking at the lining fabric), the folds you’ve just made should look similar to this, effectively forming a ‘Z’ with the fabric.

Cleo Everyday Wallet - Time To Give Cleo Her Wings - Andrie Designs

Step 24 (2) – Repeat this process to create the folds on the other side of the wing. Begin by folding the remaining side of your wing over, so it is lining fabric to lining fabric, at the 1″ mark. Ensure you match top edges and press well.

Fold that same side back out, ensuring the fold is directly over top of the centre fold (and butted up next to the fold on the other side of the wing that you made earlier). Make sure you match the three top edges within the folds together.

Rotating your wing 180 degrees, the folds should now be a mirror image of each other, and the distance between the two 1″ mark folds should be 2″ (5cm).

Rotating your wing back so the top edge is at the top and you’re still looking at the lining side, the assembled folds should mean your wing looks similar to this.

Cleo Everyday Wallet - Time To Give Cleo Her Wings - Andrie Designs

Step 24 (3 & 4) – Flipping your wing over so you are looking at the outer side of your wing, your folds should look like this.

And just like that, one wing is prepped and ready to be attached to your lining as per step 25 (page 9)! Simply repeat this process to create your second wing and you’ll be back on track to complete your Cleo!

Cleo Everyday Wallet - Time To Give Cleo Her Wings - Andrie Designs

I hope these photos have been helpful and many of you have had a ah-ha moment! If you have any further questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to comment below or post in my Facebook group (you can find the group here).

For more information on the Cleo Everyday Wallet, you can find the pattern here.

There’s also a couple of Cleo hack posts on the blog as well under the Pattern Hacks category –

Until next time, happy wing-folding! Lisa x

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