Tag Archives: Custom adornment

Andrie Adornments Month in Review – March 2018

Andrie Adornments Month in Review - March 2018

March was a busy month for Lisa and the limited edition collection! Let’s take a look at Easter, custom work and a glimpse into a featured quote today! Easter Theme Here’s your final chance to get the Limited Edition Easter 2018 Adornments before they go into retirement! Get a close up of all the designs […]

Andrie Adornments Month in Review – December 2017

Andrie Adornments Month in Review - December 2017

A New Year means it’s time to stock up on new adornments! While you peruse the shopΒ in search for your next bling or pattern, let’s take a look back at December and all the blingy news! New Gold Colour Last month saw the release of a brand new gold colour for adornment bling! I love […]