Feature Me Everyday Tote – Feature Series – Day Four

Feature Me Everyday Tote - Feature Series - Andrie Designs

Today is day four which means we’re half way through the Feature Me Everyday Tote – Feature Series! The block for today is a simple yet stunning, sewing-themed block which would look amazing in any application I reckon! If you’re new here, all the blocks in this series have all been designed exclusively for the Feature Me Everyday Tote pattern which you can find here. You can find all other posts in this series under the Pattern Hacks section of my blog here.

Cotton Reel - All Sewn Up by Stacey
Cotton Reel by All Sewn Up by Stacey

Today’s block has been designed by the darling Stacey from All Sewn Up by Stacey! It’s called Cotton Reel and is a simple and quick sew which would make for a stunning centre piece of any bag (especially the Feature Me Everyday Tote!).

You can see more examples of Stacey’s work on her blog.

Cotton Reel - All Sewn Up by Stacey
This fun cotton reel block was made by Brett from @savbrett.
Cotton Reel - All Sewn Up by Stacey
Tanya from Little Mates Wardrobe made this amazing cotton reel block!
Cotton Reel - All Sewn Up by Stacey
This one’s by CeLynn!
Cotton Reel - All Sewn Up by Stacey
Crystal from Tayah Designs made this awesome cotton reel!
Cotton Reel - All Sewn Up by Stacey
This beautiful one was made by Heidi!
Cotton Reel - All Sewn Up by Stacey
This funky one was made by Lori!
Cotton Reel - All Sewn Up by Stacey
Maxine from Blue Fig Quilts made this one!
Cotton Reel - All Sewn Up by Stacey
This stunning cotton reel was made by Ornella from Little & Cute Creations.

You can find the pattern for this block here and the Feature Me Everyday Tote pattern here. We’d love to know what colours or fabrics you think would be most perfect for this block?! Feel free to leave a comment and let us know!

Happy sewing!

Lisa x

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