Tag Archives: alison glass sun print

Quilt Me A Bag – Round Up

Quilt Me A Bag - Andrie Designs

Well hello! Today is the official end of the Quilt Me A Bag blog series and what better way to end this amazing series than with a fantastic giveaway! Yes, I have one more giveaway for you (!!!) but first let’s revisit the blog posts that have brought us to today, and take a look […]

Quilt Me A Bag – Creative’s Tote – Part 2

Quilt Me A Bag - Creative's Tote - Andrie Designs

Hi there! Welcome to Part 2 of the last ( ? ) full quilty bag post in the Quilt Me A Bag series and today we get to see the beautifully quilty-made Creative’s Tote in all her glory!!! If you missed Part 1 which detailed the process and techniques Crystal used for her quilted Creative’s […]

Quilt Me A Bag – Creative’s Tote – Part 1

Quilt Me A Bag - Creative's Tote - Andrie Designs

Hello hello! Welcome to Part 1 of the last ( 🙁 ) full quilty bag post in the Quilt Me A Bag series! So far, this has been an amazing adventure and out of all the posts, I’m probably MOST excited for this pair of posts as it means we are just around the corner […]

Quilt Me A Bag – Carry All Flexi Clutch

Quilt Me A Bag - Carry All Flexi Clutch - Andrie Designs

Hi there! Welcome to another exciting week of the Quilt Me A Bag series! Today we look at my Club CloBird 2016 “Miss May” pattern, which is an odd coincidence considering the 2017 May subscriptions are heading out shortly and I’m the May designer again! Freaky timing! But kinda cool at the same time! ANYWAY! […]

Quilt Me A Bag – Stand Up & Tote Notice

Quilt Me A Bag - Stand Up & Tote Notice - Andrie Designs

Well hello! Welcome to another gorgeous post in the Quilt Me A Bag series! Today we look at an old favourite – the Stand Up & Tote Notice tote bag pattern! If you’re new to the series – welcome! It’s great to have you join us! ? You can find the earlier posts in this […]

Quilt Me A Bag – Cleo Everyday Wallet

Quilt Me A Bag - Cleo Everyday Wallet - Andrie Designs

Hi! Welcome to another amazing post in the Quilt Me A Bag series! Today we visit one of my most treasured patterns – the Cleo Everyday Wallet! If you’re new to the series – welcome! It’s great to have you join us! 🙂 You can find the earlier posts in this series here – Post […]

Quilt Me A Bag – Roll With It Tote

Quilt Me A Bag - Roll With It Tote - Andrie Designs

Hello and welcome to the first official post of the new Quilt Me A Bag series! Today we kick things off with a lady who really knows how to rock her curves – the Roll With It Tote! The Roll With It Tote is a beautifully curved tote bag, available in two sizes, that has […]