Andrie Designs Month in Review – December 2019

Andrie Designs Month in Review - December 2019

December was a busy month, even with all the holiday excitement! Check out our round-up below to see all that we got up to!

Pattern Launch

The Gemma Carryall Pouch was first released in the October 2019 issue of the Australian crafting magazine, Homespun, and after what has felt like a rather long wait, she was finally released to the general public! Head on over to the Gemma Carryall Pouch inspiration post to be inspired by the testers today!

Gemma Carryall Pouch - Andrie Designs

Homemade Gifts Kids Can Sew

This roundup is a little different than normal because this one is all about things your kids can sew WITH you! These are all fun and easy gifts that beginner sewists will love to make. Take a look below and pick the pattern you think your kiddo will love to make and get those homemade gifts done! Head on over to Homemade Gifts Kids Can Sew to see what we found for you!

Homemade Gifts Kids Can Sew - Andrie Designs

Customer Creations

ForΒ Customer Creations, we shared all the amazing creations that have been made by Andrie Designs Customers! Check out all the stunning things you created below and be inspired if you happened to miss the post!

Customer Creations - December 2019 - Andrie Designs

Holiday Thank You

During the holidays, we thought we would take the time to say thank you! 2019 was an incredible adventure. Check out the full thank you post today!

Holiday Thank You from Andrie Designs - 2019

Year in Review

Can you believe that 2019 is over? What a whirlwind of a year! This year we thought we would have some fun and review the past year and recap all of our top and favourite moments! Check out the round-up below and let us know what your favourite moment was for 2019!

Andrie Designs Year in Review - 2019

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Lisa shared some fun behind-the-scenes shots and even a couple of Instagram Stories on Instagram in December. Make sure you’re following @andriedesignsΒ so you never miss a post or story!


Make sure to use the hashtagsΒ #andriedesignsΒ andΒ #andriedesignspatternsΒ for all Andrie Designs makes. That way we can see what you’re posting on Instagram. Every month we share our favourite makes and we don’t want to miss yours!

Make sure you are followingΒ @andriedesignsΒ and be sure to hop over to theΒ Andrie Designs Pattern GroupΒ on Facebook to see the recent creations shared in the group!

<3 Aimee

CTA - Click to join our patterns group on Facebook - Andrie Designs

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