Quilt Me A Bag Series

Quilt Me A Bag - Roll With It Tote - Andrie Designs

Hi! So great to have you here and my GOODNESS have I got something exciting to share with you today!!! Starting next week is a brand-spanking new blog series that will run for five wonderful weeks called Quilt Me A Bag.

This series will showcase some of my most popular patterns, as well as the upcoming Creative’s Tote recently featured in Issue #84 of Quilters Companion Magazine (you can read all about that here and enter to win your own copy of Issue #84 at the end of this post!), all made up in a beautifully quilted manner.

If you’re a bag maker looking to delve into the wonderful world of quilting, OR if you’re a quilter secretly lusting to make your first bag, and apply some of those fabulous quilting techniques you are oh-so-comfortable with, then this series is for YOU!

Quilt Me A Bag Series - Andrie Designs

TheΒ Quilt Me A Bag series has been several months in the making, and wouldn’t be anywhere near as amazing as it’s set to be without the fantastic and uber-generous support of one highly talented fabric designer by the name of Alison Glass.

Alison jumped at the opportunity to partner with me for this series and has generously provided ALL the feature fabric for each bag, as you will see in the coming weeks! Thank you SO much Alison!!!

You can find all of Alison’s amazing collections on her website here. Please pop over, have a look, and show your appreciation of her support for this series by grabbing yourself a bundle or two! (You know I have! As well as yardage…. Annndddd…. a coordinating solids bundle… What…?! A girls gotta have a variety of fabric to choose from, right?! πŸ˜€ ).

Sun Print 2017

Out of the many wonderful collections under her belt, we chose the Sun Print 2017 collection and the Sun Print 2015 collection. Over the next few weeks you are going to see both these collections used in such wonderful ways that we’re sure it will inspire and encourage even the most novice bag makers and/or quilters to have a play!

Sun Print 2017
Sun Print 2015

Considering I’m fairly novice myself when it comes to quilting, and quilting bags in particular, I felt it best to enlist the help of a certain ‘expert in the field’ to give me a hand with this series and undertake the fun part (read: making the bags and getting to play with all the stunning Alison Glass fabric).

So, who IS this mystery bag maker?! I am SO excited to welcome the one and only Crystal Harrison to the series! If you’re anything like me, you will have seen lots of Crystals creations on social media and will have admired it from afar while always wondering just how on EARTH she manages to combine quilting and bag making so perfectly!

Quilt Me A Bag Series - Andrie Designs

I was beyond excited when she agreed to be my maker for this series and can not WAIT to show you her gorgeous creations!

Quilt Me A Bag Series - Andrie Designs

PLUS! The Quilt Me A Bag series wouldn’t be complete without some FREE STUFF!!! That’s right, each and every week the blog post will be sponsored by a well-known supplier and you will have a chance to win some of their goodies! Just for reading and commenting on the post! Too easy!

Sponsors include Kylie from Betty Box Pleat

Handbag Hardware Australia


Janelle from Emmaline Bags

Emmaline Bags

Kylie from Voodoo Rabbit Fabric

two pretty poppets will be teaching at Voodoo Rabbit Fabric - two pretty poppetsAnd of course the amazing Alison Glass

Alison GlassAnd yours truly!

Andrie DesignsPLUS PLUS PLUS!!! We may be stitching together a must-have grand prize to go to someone who follows us throughout this whole series! Eek!!! More details on that later… πŸ™‚

So… What patterns have been chosen? You’ll have to wait and see! Until next week, here’s one more sneak peek to keep you going…

Quilt Me A Bag Series - Andrie Designs

You can find Alison’s website here: https://alisonglass.com/

You can find Crystal’s Instagram page here: https://www.instagram.com/tayahdesigns/

I can’t wait to kick off this series and hope you’ll join us on this exciting adventure that is the Quilt Me A Bag series!

Until then, let’s have a little giveaway! I have one (1) copy of Issue #84 of Quilters Companion (including the bonus DVD that comes with it) to give away to one lucky Andrie Designs customer!

Creative's Tote in QC Magazine Issue #84 - Andrie Designs

To enter, simply comment below and let me know which Alison Glass prints you’ve had a play with, OR which ones you can’t wait to try (if you’re an Alison Glass virgin πŸ™‚ ).

Good luck! Lisa x

T&C’s: Giveaway is open worldwide for 48 hours from time of post (Australian EST). Limit of one entry (comment) per person. Winner will be chosen at random and contacted via the email address used to post the comment (NOTE – email addresses will NOT be published as your privacy is extremely important to us). The winner will also be mentioned in a comment on this post. If Andrie Designs is unable to establish contact with chosen winner after one (1) week, a new winner will be drawn. Prize will be sent by standard post; winner to pay additional postage charges such as tracking or express post if desired. Andrie Designs decision is final.

98 thoughts on “Quilt Me A Bag Series

  1. Anne Boundy says:

    This looks like fun!! I love quilting and have made a few bags. I love the combination ❀️ And Alison Glass…drool. I have some Insignia in my shelf just itching to be used!!

  2. Ruth says:

    I love quilting and bagging…can’t wait to see more!
    I am coveting some Alison Glass Ex Libris in my stash…too scared to use it.

  3. Lawanda Platero says:

    The colors in her selection are wonderful! I love bright colors! I would love to use all of them. πŸ™‚

  4. Theresa Castillo says:

    Have not had the privilege of using any of the fabrics but love the look of Sun Print. Will have to look more.

  5. Cheyla Bevins says:

    Oh this sounds so fun!! I have used Sunprint 2015 and Ex Libris—-love love love all her prints though!

  6. Gayle Fahrion says:

    Wow! Congrats on the big event! Sounds fun. I’m a huge AG fan girl and I got her 15, 16 and 17 Sun Prints Mega Bundle for Christmas. Her fabric has its own Billy shelf in my stash! Thanks.

  7. Jenny rock says:

    Very excited about this series!! Love the combination of quilting and bag making . Any of Alison glass’s fabrics are gorgeous!

  8. Chery says:

    I love quilting and have made a few bags. I don’t have any Alison Glass fabric but the sun print pictured looks great.

  9. Melinda Meehan says:

    I’m currently finishing a bag using Alison Glass fabric from 2014 and 2016 collections. UPS just delivered more Ex Libris ..my favorite, and I just ordered some Insignia. Time to quilt some Bags..this is going to be Fun! Hi Crystal!

  10. Bobbie Fesler says:

    This is perfect! I’ve been wanting to branch out into quilting. I’ve used ExLibris, which I love. Still have a bit left, which I’m hoarding.

  11. Jenny Brooks says:

    I have admired Allisons fabrics and have a couple in my stash waiting for the perfect t bag but I can’t remember what they were! But that Sunprint 2017 looks fabulous!

    Jenny in florida

  12. Susan Ikin says:

    I have some Sunprints I am collecting for a rainbow quilt and Am Saving for Some Seventy Six. Love the Colour Range in Alison Glass fabrics.

  13. Katherine Anderson says:

    I am new quilting from your part of the world and Allison Glass fabrics–the photos look extremely yummy!! I would love to win and play with everything. I love making and designing bags especially using unusual fabrics. Can’t wait for this series!

  14. Cheryl Beason says:

    So excited for you all!! I’d love to learn to incorporate quilting in my bag making!!! And what better way to use some Allison Glass fabric!!! I love the same you show from 2017! Congratulations!!!!!!

    • Crystal Harrison says:

      HI Cheryl!!! Alison Glass fabrics are so gorgeous & fun to play with!
      It’s no secret that Lisa’s patterns are amazing too! This is going to be FUN!

  15. Gayle says:

    I’m an allison newbie tho have adored the fabrics from afar. I’m a touchy feelie gal and have yet to find her fabrics in my area. Any LQS’s are few and far between. I’d love a chance at some!

  16. Sophia DeLonghi says:

    What a great bag! Love the quilting technique that can also be applied to many other projects. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Brett says:

    I haven’t made anything with Allison Glass’s fabrics ? I would love to try the Sun Print 2017 collection. Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Carolynn says:

    Oh, I will surely be headed to my local quilt shop to pick up some Allison Glass Sunprint 2017 to use in a new bag for myself…I’m so excited!!

  19. Cheri says:

    I have used several of Alison Glass lines. I just ordered The 2015, 2016, and 2017 Sunprint fat quarter bundles tonight. ???? Count me in and thanks for the giveaway.

  20. Veronica Johnson says:

    Wow, I love the Allison Glass fabrics, I’ve yet to buy and use any, but the Sun Prints are tempting me. I make quilts and bags and plan to make more.

  21. Kristine McIntosh says:

    I love Alison Hlass fabric but have yet to try some, so thats make me a virgin with her fabric. Congrats! What a collaboration of very talented people, it will be amazing!

  22. Judy Crowell says:

    Love the Bookplate, and ALL the Sunprint fabrics are WOW!!! As a quilter and a bagmaker, I can’t wait for this series! Thanks for the fun!

  23. Julia Tromans says:

    I’d love to try Sun Print – I keep looking at projects mafe in this and the rainbow is so pretty.

  24. Marlene Lowry says:

    I have recently taught my 50 year old daughter to sew and she is a natural, she loves making bags and just asked me to quilt some fabric for her . The Sunprint fabrics are fabulous and the Quilters Companion would be a great prize for her

  25. Linda Coleman says:

    What a great series to follow for all us bag lovers. I’d love to use Alison’s sun print fabrics because of the vibrant colours.

  26. Yvonne says:

    I have not used Alison Glass fabrics, sadly have none in my stash, but have always loved the colours and prints she uses. I remember seeing bags made with her Ex Librus range and fell in love with the range, and now seeing the Sun Print range, I would love to have some of them too.

  27. Daisy says:

    This looks great and I adore the bright colours. not used any Alison Glass fabrics so just been and had a quick peek, think I like Sunprint 2016, especially sphere.

  28. marcia spence says:

    I love the sun prints because they are so bright and cheery! Looking forward to following this new blog! Thanks for creating it!

  29. Kim says:

    So excited for this series. I am a quilter who wants to be a bag maker! Love the sun print 2015. Thanks for the chance to win.

  30. Harriett adams says:

    I love to quilt and the sump ring 2017 is beautiful. I have made a few bags and look forward to following the post for making this one.

  31. judi duncan says:

    I have been looking for Sun Prints in my local quilt shops to no avail. I will buy the fat quarter bundle when I do find it…the colors are spectacular together and I have a sampler quilt in mind….

  32. Jodi Ellis says:

    This will be a super fun series! My favorite Alison Glass fabric so far is Ex Libra and sun prints 2015. But, I just received my first order from the new line so that may change soon!

  33. Patty Nisbet says:

    I’m working on a Tessalations guilt using Allison Glass Sunprints 2015. I want to try the quilt as you go technique and a bag would be a great start. Thanks for your tutorials and sharing of pictures.

  34. Kim Dilney says:

    Ohhhh, I am a fairly new quilter and I would love to try making a quilted bag. I am so looking forward to participating in this. Eeeeeek.

  35. Patricia Fritz says:

    Wow!! I would love to make something withe the sun print 2015. I quilt and have made a few of your bags as well as quilted my own so this should be fun.

  36. Reece says:

    This sounds like such a great series! I can’t wait to see the beautiful bags! I love Alison Glass fabrics so much. I think I have a wee bit from each collection, but really love all the birds in 76.

  37. Linda Boothman says:

    This looks so exciting….I have loved all of Crystal’s QAYG inspirations…..I love small quilting projects & making bags…….love to combine the two…..love Alison Glass…..WIN WIN WIN!!!

    • Crystal Harrison says:

      Hello my sweet friend!!! This QMAB Series is going to be so much fun & I am happy that you are following along!
      Alison Glass fabrics are absolutely perfect for the QAYG technique.
      Thanks, Linda.

  38. Rachel says:

    I’m really excited to follow this series. I’ve not used Allison’s fabrics before but they are definitely my cup of tea!

  39. Margaret Maley says:

    I love the Ex Libris panels and had to get some more because I didn’t want to run out! Looks like a fun series!

  40. Elizabeth Bolton says:

    Ooooh, this is a wonderful series! I’m sad to report I’m an Alison Glass virgin (mainly because I’m trying to stop buying – gahhh!), but I’m not sure how much longer I can holdout. Thanks to Crystal for sharing her skills with us!

  41. Angelina says:

    Took me all week to get a look at this, sounds neat! I have used some sunprints, grove prints, and seventy six prints. I wish wish I could get the new sunprint from Alison Glass, but I am on a fabric buying hiatius. There might be an opps here and there tho!

  42. Janet Brantley says:

    I know the giveaway has closed, but I just have to say how much I’m looking forward to this series! I’ve been dabbling in making quilts for the past few months, just for family and friends. And for the past several weeks I’ve been pondering how to add more quilting to my bagmaking. So this series has come along at the Perfect Time for me! Thank you, Lisa, and thank you Alison and Crystal, for putting this together. I can’t wait to get started!!

  43. Madge Mason says:

    I Love Allison Glass!! I am still “petting” my Ex-Libras panels, in both colorways, charcoal and off white. And I have other blenders from her, that I forget the name of. (Got them in a grab bag). This sounds so exciting Lisa. I hope to be able to find the time to follow the whole five weeks. πŸ˜€

  44. DeAnna says:

    I have never had a chance to use Alison Glass. Her patterns look amazing though so I would love to try it out!

  45. Pingback: Quilt Me A Bag - Roll With It Tote - Andrie Designs formerly Two Pretty Poppets

  46. Nancy Jenkins says:

    Oh myyyyyyy! I am an Alison Glass virgin, but I love so many!!! Sphere in all colors is delicious! Petal in eggplant is so vibrant! and I love the sunprints in overgrown, meadow, liberty and midas…just to name a few of my favs! WOW!!!

    I might be late to the party, but I hope to learn some awesome things!!!

  47. Pingback: Quilt Me A Bag - Cleo Everyday Wallet - Andrie Designs formerly Two Pretty Poppets

  48. Pingback: Quilt Me A Bag - Stand Up & Tote Notice - Andrie Designs formerly Two Pretty Poppets

  49. Angela says:

    Wow… I’m new to sewing so I haven’t tried Allison Glass prints yet but …Let me say WOW…bright and fantastic!! I sure hope I win!! Would make my day!

  50. Pingback: Quilt Me A Bag - Carry All Flexi Clutch - Andrie Designs

  51. marcia spence says:

    Wow! I am loving the Sun Print collections! They will be so much fun to work with for a bag! Excited to follow this blog!

  52. Pingback: Quilt Me A Bag - Round Up - Andrie Designs

  53. Pingback: Quilt Me A Bag – Creative’s Tote – Part 2 - Andrie Designs

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