Tag Archives: toiletry caddy pattern

Customer Creations – Toiletry Bags

Customer Creations - Toiletry Bag - Andrie Designs

Hey bag makers! Today we have a dual round-up for you, Bree’s Box Toiletry Caddy and the Hang About Toiletry Bag. Check out the ways your fellow makers have made toiletry bag patterns below! Stacey made these beautiful watery blue Bree’s Box Toiletry Caddys! The colours make me dream of the beach! Lana skipped the […]

Bree’s Box Toiletry Caddy

Bree's Box Toiletry Caddy - Andrie Designs

Hi everyone and welcome to one super-duper exciting pattern release!! Since my gorgeous wee Bree’s Box Toiletry Caddy was revealed in the May issue of the Australian magazine Homespun, I’ve received SO many compliments on the design and also countless “I can’t WAIT for you to release this pattern!!!” comments as well so thank you […]