Customer Creations – Toiletry Bags

Customer Creations - Toiletry Bag - Andrie Designs

Hey bag makers! Today we have a dual round-up for you, Bree’s Box Toiletry Caddy and the Hang About Toiletry Bag. Check out the ways your fellow makers have made toiletry bag patterns below!

Stacey made these beautiful watery blue Bree’s Box Toiletry Caddys! The colours make me dream of the beach!

Stacey's Bree's Box Toiletry Caddy - Customer Creations - Toiletry Bag - Andrie Designs

Lana skipped the piping on her cat-themed Hang About Toiletry Bag! The coordinating cat print on the inside of the flap was the purrrfect touch!

Lana's Hang About Toiletry Caddy - Customer Creations - Toiletry Bag - Andrie Designs

Inside Lana's Hang About Toiletry Caddy - Customer Creations - Toiletry Bag - Andrie Designs

Our cover girl is Janets Bree’s Box Toiletry Caddy. The bright green lining really makes the cactus POP on the outside print!

Janet's Bree's Box Toiletry Caddy - Customer Creations - Toiletry Bag - Andrie Designs

Inside of Janet's Bree's Box Toiletry Caddy - Customer Creations - Toiletry Bag - Andrie Designs

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From Instagram

My favourite thing to do every month is scroll through the #andriedesigns and #andriedesignspatterns hashtags on Instagram. Check out all the beautiful Bree’s Box Toiletry Caddy and Hang About Toiletry Bags that have been made.

Sewdejavu on Instagram - Customer Creations - Toiletry Bag - Andrie Designs

Sew Joyful on Instagram -Customer Creations - Toiletry Bag - Andrie Designs

Rochana on Instagram - Customer Creations - Toiletry Bag - Andrie Designs

Leen on Instagram - Customer Creations - Toiletry Bag - Andrie Designs

Jane on Instagram - Customer Creations - Toiletry Bag - Andrie Designs

Which was your favourite Bree’s Box Toiletry Caddy and Hang About Toiletry Bag? The crazy cat lady in me loves Lana’s Cat Hang About Toiletry Bag!

Make sure to tag @andriedesigns #andriedesigns or #andriedesignspatterns on Instagram so we can see your recent creations and don’t forget to share in the Andrie Designs Facebook Group too. It’s the perfect place to share, ask questions, and catch all of Lisa’s updates!

Happy Sewing

The Little Bird Designs

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