Andrie Designs Month in Review – February 2018

Andrie Designs Month in Review February 2018

February at Andrie Designs was all about learning techniques to up your bag making game! Let’s take a look at all the tips and tutorials that were launched!

Video Tutorials Released

Last month Lisa launched her quick little video tutorials. These videos cover techniques that can sometimes be tricky and are often requested. Click each image below to be taken to the post about the videos. Oh also, be sure to subscribe to Andrie Designs on YouTube so you never miss a video!

Basting Fabric to Foam - Andrie Designs

Cutting Bias and Creating Piping - Andrie Designs

Ask Andrie Live Chats

We had two more instalments of Ask Andrie Live Chats held in the Andrie Designs Facebook group in February. During these chats, Lisa covered sew in foam, featured some stunning creations of hers and shared with us The Peekaboo Purse! If you want to re-watch or see what you missed, click the images below to be taken to the recordings!

Ask Andrie - February 6, 2018 - Andrie Designs Ask Andrie - February 13, 2018 - Andrie Designs

Tips for Better Bag Making

Mid February, Lisa and I put together a list of tips to help you not only improve your bags but speed up the process as well. Check out our list of tips today if you missed it!

Tips for Better Bag Making - Andrie Designs

Customer Creations

Last month was our second round of our new series and boy did you all deliver! Check out who made the list for February over on the Customer Creations post today!

Customer Creations - Andrie Designs


Here’s a quick snapshot of some of the cool projects that Lisa shared on Instagram in February. Make sure you’re following @andriedesigns so you never miss a post!

Be sure you use the hashtags #andriedesigns and #andriedesignspatterns for all Andrie Designs makes so we can see what you’re posting on Instagram. Every month we share our favourite makes and we don’t want to miss yours!

Instagram hashtag - Month in Review - DecemberWhat was your favourite tip for February? Let us know below or head over to the Andrie Designs Facebook Group and share how these tips are helping you make even better bags!

<3 Aimee
The Little Bird Designs

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