Meet the Maker: S’more House

Meet the Maker - Smore House - Andrie Designs

Little Bird again! This week on Meet the Maker, I’m introducing you to a maker who creates bags with an edgy style. She takes mixing fabrics and colours to a new whole new level! Say hello to Jane from S’more House!

Meet the Maker - Smore House - Andrie Designs
Photo Courtesy S’more House

Tell us a little about yourself.

I really had no idea I would grow up to be a bag lady. I mean, I’ve sewn all my life, but always clothing. I grew up in Michigan, moved to Florida to go to an art school, and was working quite happily in an art department by day and being a total nerd by night. Scratch that, I was a nerd all day too. In fact I still am. My fella and I got married by Elvis in Las Vegas a few years ago and we reside back in Michigan with our three cats and many LEGO sets and video games.

Meet the Maker - Smore House - Andrie Designs
Photo Courtesy S’more House – Creative’s Tote

How long have you been making bags and how did you get started?

Okay, I had to check my Instagram history, but it’ll be 2 years ago in August. Which seems crazy because it doesn’t seem that long ago. My first pattern was actually Andrie Designs’ Goin’ Uptown Tote. Time flies!

What are you working on right now?

I’ve got a whole pile of Classic Clutches (pattern also by Andrie Designs, can you tell I love Lisa?) cut out and I’m going through them. I think they’re absolutely adorable and I can’t wait to get them up in the shop.

Meet the Maker - Smore House - Andrie Designs
Photo Courtesy S’more House – Classic Clutch

What’s your favourite part of making bags?

When I first started, I liked that it was so much less drama than sewing clothing. A bag always fits. A bag is also so simple to customise and innovate with. And finally a bag is just always so USEFUL. I store just about everything from projects to make-up to everyday items in bags!

Meet the Maker - Smore House - Andrie Designs
Photo Courtesy S’more House – Roll With It Tote

What is your favourite sewing notion and why?

I’m tempted to say my seam ripper since it gets me out of so many jams, but honestly my REAL favourite is Wonder Clips! They’re jewel toned and pretty, and they’re just so much better than pins. I mean pins have their place, but Wonder Clips, yes please!

Meet the Maker - Smore House - Andrie Designs
Photo Courtesy S’more House – Made for Me Sewing Machine Cover

What is one tip you would offer someone new to making bags?

Don’t be intimidated! I think when making anything and showing it off everyone is too quick to point out their little mistakes and irregularities and be frustrated with them. I think that’s the beauty of handmade! A second tip is to ask questions! Since we live in the future and we have the internet I think it’s a whole lot easier to find the help you need to get your project done. In fact there’s whole communities set up for that exact purpose. Take advantage!

Meet the Maker - Smore House - Andrie Designs
Photo Courtesy S’more House – Cleo Everyday Wallet

What has been your proudest creative make or moment so far?

It’s probably corny, but the day my Grandma asked if I would make her a purse with whatever fabric I chose. She’s always so supportive of all my creative endeavours but as an artist herself she’s always saying “oh I have enough stuff,” not wanting to overly clutter up her pristine home. So that was a big deal for me. She wanted a thing and I made it for her.

You can find more of Jane’s work here:

Meet the Maker - Smore House - Andrie Designs

Thank you Jane for sharing your gorgeous bags with us, we’re so happy you chose to become passionate about bag making! I love seeing the pops of colour she uses or the contrasting designs and mediums. Doesn’t she inspire you to mix patterns a little bit more?

If you want to be featured in our Meet the Maker series, head over to the Contact page and let us know you’re interested! We love meeting new bag makers!

<3 Aimee

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