Tag Archives: backpack

Customer Creations – Little Freehand Pack

Customer Creations - Little Freehand Pack - Andrie Designs

Hey bag makers! Welcome to a new edition of Customer Creations! This month we are rounding up some Little Freehand Pack! We’ve got sweet little prints and little packs for you to see. Read on to see what your fellow bag makers have been up to! Not familiar with the Little Freehand Pack pattern? Not […]

Customer Creations – Adventure Time Backpack

Customer Creations - Adventure Time Backpack - Andrie Designs

Hey bag makers! With back to school quickly approaching all over the world (some have already started!) we thought we would share some of the incredible Adventure Time Backpacks that we’ve seen! Read on to be inspired by your fellow bag makers today! Hannah created this gorgeous floral backpack! That print is just stunning and […]

Adventure Time Backpack Class Recap

Adventure Time Backpack Class Recap - Andrie Designs

This past weekend was a 3 day intensive class on the Adventure Time Backpack. This busy workshop was held at Voodoo Rabbit FabricΒ in Brisbane, Australia, and boy did the ladies have a blast! This class not only taught them how to create an incredible backpack, but taught them amazing skills to use in future projects […]

Adventure Time Backpack – The Dreaded Step 14 (LOL!)

Adventure Time Backpack - The Dreaded Step 14 - Andrie Designs

I’ve noticed a couple of people stalling at step 14 (page 8) of the Adventure Time Backpack pattern… Expressions such as ‘what on earth?!’, ‘HUH??’, ‘I don’t GET this!!’, and probably some even more incriminating profanities, have most likely been uttered at this point in the pattern. I’d also be willing to bet a few […]

Adventure Time Backpack

Adventure Time Backpack - Andrie Designs

For quite a while I had wanted to design a backpack pattern. Not just any backpack pattern either mind you, but one that accommodated almost everyone (so it needed multiple sizes), had many pocket options, and also had some awesome little features that really made it stand out from the rest. With piping, a main […]

Little Freehand Pack

Little Freehand Pack - Pattern Inspiration - Andrie Designs

The story behind this pattern is one that is very close to my heart… My wonderful Dad – someone who never asks me for anything – asked me to design him a bag. Not just any bag, he wanted something small and compact, that he could wear around his waist while working in the bush […]