Meet the Maker: Bags by Lynwam

Meet the Maker - Bags by Lynwam - Andrie Designs

Little Bird again! This week onΒ Meet the Maker I’m introducing you to a talented maker who makes bags with incredible focus fabrics.Β Welcome to Lynne from Bags by Lynwam!

Tell us a little about yourself.

Thank you Aimee for asking me here. πŸ™‚

I am first and foremost a Mum of one adult Son who now has two beautiful wee girls, so now I am β€˜Acci’ (Singahlese for Grandmother) to these little possums which we baby sit every Tuesday, probably the only day I do not create something πŸ™‚

I have also been very fortunate to have been given the gift of creativity having always as far back as I can remember done something creative whether it be a bit of sketching, painting, cross-stitching, quilting, flower arranging even, but for some funny reason or other cooking never interested me…..

Meet the Maker - Bags by Lynwam - Andrie Designs
Photo Courtesy Bags by Lynwam

How long have you been making bags and how did you get started?

I am coming into my fourth year of Bag Making a decision I made after a very, very stressful few months in β€˜paid’ employment – was totally over it and have had my awesome Bernina Industrial machine sitting idle taking up loads of space and just looked at it and though you have to either go or we work together and create an income. I have always had the ability to sew and in fact have a Cert 3 in Clothing Technology, thought I wanted to be a pattern maker in the Fashion World, but really loathed the production side of things, no creativity there…so decided on handbags after doing a little research online there were not that many makers out there πŸ™‚

What are you working on right now?

Right now, I am just finishing off my contribution to C4AC 2017 (Collaborate for a Cause), two little messenger bags for a six year old girl and boy while waiting on fabric and notions to fulfil orders sitting in my order book. I should be studying as I am also trying to complete a course in handbag pattern making – am I enjoying it??? Jury is still out on that one, hard work I say πŸ™‚

Meet the Maker - Bags by Lynwam - Andrie Designs
Photo Courtesy Bags by Lynwam

What’s your favourite part of making bags?

I am loving the entire process of bag making, even more so now that I have my ironing press – but of course the absolute best is the end result on turning out a creation.

What’s your favourite sewing notion and why?

Apart from my awesome work-dog Bernina – I would have to say wonder clips to that.

Meet the Maker - Bags by Lynwam - Andrie Designs
Photo Courtesy Bags by Lynwam – Polly Cross Body Pouch

What is one tip you would offer someone new to making bags?

Iron, iron, iron firstly and secondly give everything a go, do not be afraid to ask questions, if you think something may work a wee bit better than what is written TRY IT!

What has been your proudest creative make or moment so far?

Mmmm, not sure, maybe the time when a certain fabric designer shared one of my makes in her fabric?? I know the most stressful make for me was for the inaugural BFR (Bag Fanatics Retreat) swap, I was assigned an awesome bag maker who I have held in very high esteem since I started my journey….. And this is what I created for her.

Meet the Maker - Bags by Lynwam - Andrie Designs
Photo Courtesy Bags by Lynwam – Feature Me Everyday Tote

You can see more stunning bags from Lynne here:

Meet the Maker - Bags by Lynwam - Andrie DesignsThanks Lynne for sharing with us your incredible work and your bag making tips. Anyone else inspired to grab a large print fabric and make it a focal point of a bag? That Feature Me Everyday Tote is speaking to me!

If you want to be featured in our Meet the Maker series, head over to the Contact page and let us know you’re interested! We love meeting new bag makers!

<3 Aimee

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